Dear diary,
i've made a hardest decision in my life ever..mase ni asyik brjln je..klu boleh xnak mase tu brjln..klu boleh nak undurkn masa..tpi sumenye dh trlmbt..ati pon dh this scene i knew i was wrong but why dont u give me one more chance?why cant you guys be a little bit open minded?kita kn dh bljr klu ad mslh bncang dulu..jgn main tangkap jerat i said earlier i was wrong but u guys behaved mcm dh xboleh terima ak lgsug..about the teachers bkan ak nak cite kisah buruk korg...i'm not that kind of girl..klu korg xnak caye ak nak buat ap lgi,right now i just wanna let u guys know i'm so so so sorry... :,( this sorry i said it from the bottom of my heart..up to u to accept it or not..i just wanna make only one request..dont ever forget things we had together..all that memories priceless...xde jual kat mane2..smpan elok2 kat lubuk atiy korang tu..tupon klu korg nak smpn lh..guys, we've been through so much things..since skolah rndah right?trlalu bnyk bnde yg kite dh buat..segala ktawa dan air mata kite lalui same2 right?so i hope u can think urselve..tnpe korg ak mmg xkan thu erti prshbtn tu..thnx aw sbb jdi kwn ak..ak syg korang bnyk2..